
Thank You Letter to the Left

Dear Left:

It is always nice to hear your sweet and consoling words whenever a person of the right passes away. It’s refreshing to hear the kind words about those with whom you disagree.

However, these kind words are always missing while those people are alive or in a position to influence. People like George HW Bush and Mitt Romney are dismissed as racist, sexist, homophobic haters when they are in or running for office.

After leaving office, the ignoramus you compared to Hitler, George W Bush, was lauded as thoughtful, restrained and even a genuinely nice guy. Heck, he almost rose to genius status when he assessed Trump's abilities by saying, "Wow, this guy really doesn’t understand the job of president." Amazing how tolerant you became of this hating, racist, bigoted, sexist pig when he was no longer in a position of power.

This is a problem. You demonize and seek to destroy when you should be battling ideas. Everyone you disagree with is bashed as stupid, ignorant, mean-spirited, war-mongering, selfish, greedy, hateful, nativist, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, bigoted, intolerant, fascist, misogynistic and hypocritical - until they die or are no longer in a position of influence. Then you praise them.

This is a big part of the reason we have Trump in the White House. Because you can’t help yourself and have to be mean demonizers instead of talking about the issues. And I get it. It works. There are fields full of sheeple out there who hear your accusations and don't dig deep enough to know better. But your Johnny-come-lately hagiographic accolades shed light on your unprincipled tactics.

As always, thanks for the nice compliment frosting on a cake of venomous hate. Reaching across the aisle to shake the hand of the former hate-filled bigot is really big of you. But shame on you for giving us Trump.

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