
New and Improved: Ryan Adds Even More Callousness to the Republican Ticket

According to this NYT editorial, adding Ryan to the ticket showed that the Republican vision is against many things including: job training, help for struggling students, miner's hardhats, MRIs and prescriptions for the elderly, preventative care for the poor and uninsured, job training for the displaced, Pell grants, food stamps for the hungry, mass transit, highways, sewage treatment plants, asphalt for streets, replacing retired police officers and firefighters, watchdogs over the environment, mine safety, and food quality.

And in case you have been living under a rock, guess why all this "callousness" is necessary. That's right, to give "even greater tax giveaways to the rich and extravagant benefits to powerful military contractors." (By noting "even greater", does this imply that the current administration is doing it too, but just to a less greater extent than these two awful bits of human debris doody heads?)

But do not despair, the Republicans are for at least one thing: crumbling bridges.

Additionally, lurking in the opining about midway through was an interesting little insight. The writer explains:
These cuts are so severe that the nation’s Catholic bishops raised their voices in protest at the shredding of the nation’s moral obligations.

Mr. Ryan’s budget “will hurt hungry children, poor families, vulnerable seniors and workers who cannot find employment,” the bishops wrote in an April letter to the House. “These cuts are unjustified and wrong.”
Why is this NYT writer concerned when a Catholic Bishop is upset that the government is not doing the work of the church? What happened to the wall of separation between church and state?

In typical leftist fashion, the writer is blissfully un-self-aware and is happy for government to do the Lord's work when it lines up with the NYT ideology. One supposes that the good Bishop's opinions would not be so well received were he discussing the government's role vis-à-vis abortion. The left is happy to impose its morality on others and even justify its actions with Biblical admonitions and parables, but let the right suggest such an unholy alliance and the wall-of-separation caterwauling of the left can be heard all the way to the pearly gates.

As Robert Bork noted in his book Slouching Towards Gomorrah:
Modern liberals try to frighten Americans by saying that religious conservatives want to impose their morality on others That is palpable foolishness. All participants in politics want to impose on others as much of their morality as possible, and no group is more insistent on that than liberals. Religious conservatives are not authoritarian. To the degree they have their way, it will be through democratic processes.

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