
The Coming Environmental Disaster

For about 10 months now we have been watching public officials openly flip and flop and prevaricate with little or no shame. From locations as diverse as French laundromats, they have violated their own diktats with reckless disregard. Their actions have resulted in great damage to the economy and brought about the failure of countless businesses. All of this has been dismissed as collateral damage and the regrettable - albeit, unavoidable - side effects of fighting a pandemic. All the while, these open hypocrites have been poo-pooing the damage done by their meddling while acting as though the entire edifice of science supports their every whim. They turn an ounce of truth into a pound of overreaching cure. If you didn't think demagoguery could bring us this far, well now you have learned what the founding documents sought to push against.

Enter climate change. Do you think that, given what these demagogic prevaricating pols have learned thus far, that there will be any restraint to imposing draconian solutions while cloaked in the liturgical vestments of climate change? Even the IPCC acknowledges that if the most oppressive Kyoto-cap and trade-Paris solutions are implemented, only negligible reductions in greenhouse gases will result. But it comes at the cost of devastating economies - which will lead to far greater environmental damage.

But who will win in such an Orwellian power grab? Not the individual or small business but rather large corporations and the wealthy. Just as with covid, the ruling class doesn't care how much damage is done to your livelihood, the poor, minorities, the sick, or whoever as they, with religious fervor, spool up legitimate issues into apocalyptic catastrophes that only they can fix. And oddly, the only fix is more government control and power for them.

If you don't think we are going to see this dress rehearsal replayed over the next four years with John Kerry and his lackeys shame-fucking each and every one of you that dares to ask a question, you are either rooting for statism or you are unquestioningly naive. 

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