
Government Solutions

Some thoughts on creating a permanent voting base by Ann Coulter:
Of course, the reason American workers’ wages are so low in the first place is because of the Democrats’ policies on immigration.

Our immigration policies massively redistribute wealth from the poorest Americans to the richest. It’s a basic law of economics that when the supply goes up, the price goes down. More workers means the price of their labor plummets.

Having artificially created a glut of low-wage workers, now Democrats want to artificially raise their wages.

Democrats show how much they love the poor by importing a million more of them to America each year.

You want a higher minimum wage? Turn off the spigot of low-wage workers pouring in to the U.S. and it will rise on its own through the iron law of supply and demand.

Australia has a $15 minimum wage for adults – more than twice the U.S. minimum wage.

Sound good? Try immigrating there. Australia has some of the most restrictive immigration policies in the world. Their approach to immigration is to admit only people who will be good for Australia. (Weird!) Applicants are evaluated on a point system that gives preference to youth, English proficiency, education and skill level.

Like Australia, New Zealand’s immigration laws are based on helping New Zealand, not on helping other countries get rid of their poor people, which is our policy.

It’s win-win-win-win-win for Democrats.

  • Employees who get a higher minimum wage are grateful to the Democrats.
  • Employees who lose their jobs because of the minimum wage hike are grateful to the Democrats for generous government handouts.
  • Poor immigrants who need government benefits are grateful to the Democrats.
  • American businesses enjoying the deluge of cheap labor are grateful to the Democrats.
  • Democratic politicians guaranteed re-election by virtue of ethnic bloc voting are grateful to the Democrats.
So, then, it is clear that Santa Claus can win elections by passing out gifts from the public gift bag to fix problems that he himself caused. But does this improve the lives of those involved?

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